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Vías hacia la Excelencia Académica (Pathways to Excellence)

In 2016, Cal Poly Humboldt applied for and was awarded a $3.9 million grant by the U.S. Department of Education’s Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI)- Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) and Articulation Program.* Humboldt will receive the grant award over five academic years, 2016-17 through 2020-2021.

The program is intended to increase the number of Hispanic * and/or low-income* students attaining degrees in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM); and to develop model transfer and articulation agreements between two-year and four-year institutions in such fields.

This website provides an overview of the grant's four components (below), a timeline of proposed activities, plus related documents and resources. Check back periodically for updates on progress and outcomes.

* A Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) is a college or university with an undergraduate full-time equivalent enrollment of at least 25 percent Hispanic students. Humboldt, designated as an HSI since 2013, is one of 18 HSI campuses in the California State University system. Currently, 13 percent of U.S. colleges and universities are designated as HSIs. 

* The US Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Education use the term “Hispanic” to refer to any people or person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish-speaking culture or origin regardless of race. “Latino” and “Latina” are used to refer more generally to anyone of Latin American origin or ancestry, including Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking Brazilians. “Chicano” and “Chicana” (sometimes spelled Xicano/a) are terms for the chosen identity of some Mexican Americans in the United States. Many people from these groups have indigenous ancestry and may identify as such. This grant is aimed at any students who identify with any or all of these terms. For simplicity and consistency with the funder, we use the term “Hispanic” throughout this website. 

* The U.S. Department of Education defines a “low-income” student as an individual whose family's taxable income for the preceding year did not exceed 150 percent of the poverty level amount. 

Collecting Water Samples

Place-Based Learning Communities

Develop and launch place-based learning communities for freshmen in all science and engineering majors.

Tutoring services at the Learning Center

Expanded Tutoring Services

Enhance services for gateway STEM courses integrated into the new Humboldt
Learning Center.

Math on the quad

Reformed Developmental Math Instruction

Expedite the path to college-level math courses required for STEM majors.



New Pathways for Transfer Students

Forge relationships with two-year institutions to streamline transfer pathways into Humboldt science disciplines.


Humboldt’s Graduation Initiative 2025

The HSI STEM work aligns with the goals Humboldt’s Graduation Initiative 2025 – except we aim to achieve some outcomes for STEM students well before 2025.  Specifically, we aim to achieve the following:

  1. Increase the six-year graduation rate for first-time STEM students to 56 percent by 2021. (currently 54%)
  2. Increase the four-year graduation rate for first-time STEM students 30 percent by 2023. (currently 19.6%)
  3. Increase the four-year graduation rate for STEM transfer students to 79 percent by 2023. (currently 71.6%)
  4. Increase the two-year graduation rate for transfer STEM students to 38 percent by 2025. (currently 19.8%)
  5. Eliminate equity gaps for traditionally underrepresented students, first-generation students, and low-income students in STEM by 2025. (for current data, see equity gaps)

We share #1-5 with GI 2025, and we also add two of our own:

  1. Increase 1st-year retention at Humboldt for STEM students to 80% by 2022. (currently 71.1%)
  2. Increase 1st-year retention in STEM specifically to 75% by 2022. (currently 71.0%)

If you have questions or feedback about the HSI STEM grant or components of the program, please email

Nicolas Sanchez in the field